- 12/29/17 Order Regarding Review of the Standard Offer Program (pdf)
- 12/14/17 Case No. 17-3952-Petition from PLH LLC for SO Contract under 2016 RFP (pdf)
- 10/20/17 Order RE: 2017 Standard Offer RFP Award Group (pdf)
- 8/22/17 Order Regarding Review of SOP Prices and Capacity Allocation (pdf)
- 7/3/17 Order Regarding Amended E-Filing Procedures (pdf)
- 7/3/17 PSB Memo Regarding Name Change to PUC or Commission (pdf)
- 3/10/17 Technical Corrections to Docket No. 8817 of 3/3/17 (pdf)
- 3/3/17 Docket No. 8817: Technology Allocation & Price Caps (pdf)
- 3/3/17 Order RE: 2016 Reliability Plan and Geotargeting Recommendations (pdf)